

First Grade Syllabus

2017-2018 Pace Elementary School




Literacy is a bridge to the world






Big Idea: Reading is a bridge to new vocabulary, new ideas and helps us better understand the world, ourselves and others. Identifying elements of a story promotes understanding and can make us stronger readers and writers.

Why do people read? What makes a good story? What can a reader do when they don’t understand? How do we learn new words and ideas?
• You will learn that stories are made up of parts. You will be able to identify them and know why they are important.

• You will learn to identify important parts of stories and find connections to your lives.
• You will learn strategies for reading and understanding new words.


Big Idea: Effective writing can impact others through shared experiences, thoughts, meanings and ideas. You will understand what makes a good writer and how to create effective writing.
What makes a story effective for its purpose? What makes a good writer? Why do we write and tell stories?
We will have 4 writing assignments
• Tell us about your favorite day.
• Explain how to do something you are an expert at.
• Write your own fairytale!
• Respond and critique a poem of your choice.


Big Idea: You will understand that discussion is a way to combine listening and speaking to uncover common truths and new ideas.
How is listening active? What does it mean to be a good listener? Why do we need to talk to one another?

We will have daily discussions about a variety of topics.

  • Practice listening, taking turns and staying on topic

  • Discuss and identify the Who? What? Where? and Why?


  1. Big Idea: Vocabulary grows from reading, listening and asking questions. Our ideas are shaped by the language and words we choose.
    How do we learn new words? Can one word have multiple meanings? How does one word express what you want to say better than another word?

  • You will learn to identify new words and use them properly in context.
  • You will learn new ways to say familiar words




Big Idea: Solving for unknown variables is dependent upon understanding the relationship between addition and subtraction, parts and the whole and mastering strategies to solve. English Language Arts (ELA) skills are necessary to successfully solve word problems.

Why is the “correct” answer not always the best answer?
Why do we need English Language Arts (ELA) skills to solve math word problems? How does strategy help us solve mathematical concepts?

•Addition and subtraction of whole numbers

  • Introduce and compare solution strategies and properties of operations

  • Explore the relationship between addition and subtraction “counting on” , “making tens”

  • Word problems


Big Idea: Thinking of numbers as a combination of tens and ones allows for deeper understanding and number sense.
What is the relationship between addition and subtraction? Can we use addition to solve subtraction? How does adding and subtracting numb  with a tens and some ones understanding create  

  • Use place value to add and subtract

  • Bundles to demonstrate groups of tens and “some ones”


Big Idea: Students will understand that certain mathematical functions (time, money and measurement) have their own distinct rules and units of measure.
How is time measured? How do we count money?

  • Measuring length

  • How to tell and record time

  • coins and money

  • Represent and interpret data


Big Idea: Students will understand that shapes have different characteristics and parts of shapes are called fractions.
What shapes can be combined to make other shapes? What is the difference between a circle and a sphere?

  1. • Shapes and their attributes

    • Fractions


  • Pencils (1 Box)
  • Folders (4)
  • Glue sticks (5)
  • Washable Markers (2 Boxes)
  • Wipe Board, eraser and markers
  • Colored pencils (1 Box)Scissors
  • Ziplock bags


  • Packets are given on Monday and due back every Friday

  • Please monitor student’s homework (don’t help)

  • Read at least 20 minutes a day

  • Encourage your child to draw and write as much as possible


  • Be Kind Use kind words and treat others how you want to be treated
  • Respect Myself and Others Raise your hand to speak, ask questions and help others
  • Do My Best: Messes, struggles, and mistakes are OK! Just try hard and never give up!
  • Responsibility: I am in charge of my personal space, supplies and actions



4 - Consistently meets and often exceeds curriculum/behavioral expectations

3 - Meets curriculum / behavioral expectations

2 - Progressing toward curriculum / behavioral expectations

1 - Not meeting curriculum / behavioral expectations at this time